Thursday 30 April 2015


One Time Registration System
 Aadhaar Details


Unique Identification
    Number (UID)/Aadhaar
                             Number :
[ _ _ _ _ _  _ _  _ _  _ _  _ ] enter 12 digit number

Basic Details:
 Personal Details
Exemption Details
Address Details:     
Full Name of the
Candidate: *
Name as in Date of Birth Certificate Gender: * Male Female Transgender
Date of Birth : *
Place of Birth: * --Select District-- --Select Mandal-- --Select Village-- Community : * --Select Community--
Father's Name: * Mother's Name: *
Mother Tongue: * --Select-- Religion: * --Select--
Identification Marks 1: * Identification Marks 2: *
Are you a Di Herently
Abled Person? *
Yes No
Are you an ExService
Person? *
Yes No
Are you a Government
Employee? *
Yes No
Type : * --Select--
Do you claim
Examination fee
exemption? *
Yes No Do you claim Age
relaxation? *
Yes No
Address for
Flat/House No, Floor, Building
Colony/Society, Street, Locality/Area,Village
Address if
di Herent from
Same as Address for
Correspondence(Tick if applicable) Flat/House No, Floor, Building Colony/Society, Street, Locality/Area,Village

Education Qualifications
X Standard Details :

Local status based on 4years / 7years study includes X /SSC or equivalent standard
10+2 Details :
Type of study * Regular Study Private Study Open Schooling
 Regular: Candidates who have continuous study in school and resided in Telangana State. The location of the school should be taken as criteria for selection of mandal/distri ct.
 Private : Candidates who have not studied in any educational institution during the whole or part of preceding years of study in which he/she appeared for the X class examination . In case where visually handicapped and hearing handicapped persons studied in the special schools meant for them, the native place of the parents of such visually handicapped and hearing handicapped person will be the local area.
Open Schooling : Recognised by Central / State for Open learning.

1st class * --Select District-- School Name *
2nd class * --Select District-- School Name *
3rd class * --Select District-- School Name *
4th class * --Select District-- School Name *
5th class * --Select District-- School Name *
6th class * --Select District-- School Name *
7th class * --Select District-- School Name *
8th class * --Select District-- School Name *
9th class * --Select District-- School Name *
X class district * --Select District-- Board *
Hall Ticket Number * Date of Pass * --Month-- --Year-- Percentage of
Marks/Grade *

Local District
--Select District--
Zone Belongs
--Select Zone-- District
--Select District--


Photograph and Signature :
To be uploaded during the submission of online application form
Photograph [3.5 x4.5 ] should have the name of the candidate and the date on which the photograph is taken printed as shown in the sample image.
Signature of the candidate shall be scanned [3.5 x1.5 ] separately and uploaded here.
File Format File Size Dimension Sample
Photograph of Candidate JPEG format 50 KB 3.5cm x 4.5cm
Signature of Candidate JPEG format 30 KB 3.5cm x 1.5cm 


Notification alerts : yes, no


Instructions for Photograph
Before filling up the application form the candidate should have a scanned image of h is/her photograph and signature. These scanned images are to be uploaded during the submission of application form. The photograph should be in colour or b/w (but clear contrast) with name of the candidate and date of taking the photograph printed on it as shown below. It should be without cap or goggles. Spectacles are allowed. Polaroid photos are not acceptable

Photograph of the Candidate
No file selected.
Signature of the Candidate
No file selected.
For which posts you want
to receive alerts from
Any job
I hereby declare that all the particulars furnished in this application are true, cor rect and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorre ct or ineligibility being detected before or a Rer the examination, action can be initiated against me by the Te langana State Public Service Commission or Governament of Telangana.
I accept the above declaration

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